Course curriculum

    1. Track 01_Intro

    2. A Message from Your Instructor

    3. How to Navigate Your Course

    4. Pre-Course Survey

    1. Track 03_Section 1 Speech Organization

    1. Track 04_D.I.V.A.BIT™ #1 Dont Let Em Get Away

    2. Module 1_Topics_DontLetEmGetAway

    3. Module 1 Survey

    1. Track 06_D.I.V.A.BIT™ #3 Why Them Why You

    2. Module 3_Research_WhyThemWhyYou

    3. Module 3 Survey

    1. Track 07_D.I.V.A.BIT™ #4 Dont Think - Know!

    2. Module 4_Research_DontThinkKnow

    3. Module 4 Survey

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 81 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Remove your fear of public speaking!

You no longer have to be afraid to speak before others. Now is the perfect time to remove the trouble spots with your public speaking skills. This course will teach you practical tips you can use to practice and polish your public speaking skills.

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Three (3), 90-minute group coaching call sessions for an opportunity to receive actual verbal feedback and guidance to supplement your home-study course!

  • $997.00

    Group Coaching Call Sessions

    Are you interested in having direct access to me for actual feedback and guidance to improve your public speaking skills? Sign-up for the three (3), 90-minute group coaching call sessions offer. Each session will allow you to ask questions, make demonstrations, and practice techniques so you can eliminate your speaking trouble spots and enhance your speaking strengths! Add this group coaching call sessions offer to your home-study course for the greatest impact to improving your public speaking skills.
    YES, Count Me In!